Our Breast Cancer Patient Course is the Best Option For Busy Mammographers Looking for Qualified CEU’s!

The Breast Cancer Patient Continuing Education Course

The Breast Cancer Patient Course Intro

According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, women have a 13 percent chance of risk of developing breast cancer. That said, the rate of breast cancer death has dropped significantly, falling 40 percent between 1989 and 2017.

The main reasons for this are widespread screening and improvements in treatment. As a specialist in the mammography field, you are part of the life-saving screening process for these women. More than 150,000 breast cancer survivors are living with metastatic disease and you have likely come in contact with a patient living with it or discovered a highly suspicious region when performing a mammogram.

While mammogram technicians are not qualified to interpret the results, sometimes it is obvious that the patient will require further imaging, testings, and biopsies. After this initial encounter, you are unlikely to see the patient again until months later at a followup appointment when a lot of things have changed for her.

The Breast Cancer Patient course explores what the patient experiences between diagnosis and follow-ups, including testing and treatment they are likely to experience. The goal of the course is for the mammographer to learn more about the physical and emotional challenges for the patient to become a more supportive and compassionate part of her medical team.

Find Out More About The Course

Course Highlights

It’s a drastic understatement to say that a breast cancer patient goes through a lot. This course begins by discussing the emotions behind breast cancer and how the incredible unfairness of the disease is a constant for women in recovery. The importance of being sensitive and supportive and offering encouragement and hope are discussed.   False positives and suspicious regions are reviewed as well as how the patient is provided with her results.

This course explains how the patient chooses a surgeon, different types of biopsies, and the pathology terminology that the patient learns. Staging is discussed along with various tests that are performed, including S-phase fraction, HER2, lymphovascular invasion, triple-negative breast cancers, and Oncotype DX breast cancer assay.

A portion of the course is devoted to exploring what the patient experiences while waiting for the pathology results and the range of emotions she might feel when receiving a breast cancer diagnosis. Support systems for the breast cancer survivor are reviewed, including considerations for the patient’s family, as are mastectomies and surgical reconstruction. Axilla anatomy, lymph node dissection, and sentinel lymph node biopsy are also covered. Recovery is discussed, including information about surgical drains and possible post-op complications. Lymphedema is explained, including signs and symptoms, staging, and treatment.

This self-directed in-depth course is worth 5 continuing education credits and includes a 40 question multiple-choice online exam. By completing this course, you will attain the Breast Cancer Patient Certificate 2020.

What You'll Learn

Here are Just A Few of the Topics Our Course Will Cover:

  • The emotions behind breast cancer and how the incredible unfairness of the disease is a constant for women in recovery.
  • The importance of being sensitive and supportive and offering encouragement and hope are discussed.
  • Important decisions such as how the patient goes about choosing a surgeon.
  • Recovery, including info about surgical drains and post-op complications.

You’ll Also Get…

Full case studies applying acquired knowledge to real-life situations.
Lots of helpful images, including real patient imaging. Plus many charts, graphs, and photos. 
A detailed glossary and a complete review with quiz to demonstrate your knowledge.

Student Reviews

Sheralyn D. – American Fork, UT

“I have been in radiology for 29 years and during that time I obtained my mammography license.  I enjoyed working in this field, but when we moved, I was employed in a clinic that didn’t have a mammography unit in their facility.  Years later, as I explored getting back into the mammo field, I needed to meet the guidelines and recommendations of MQSA.    I searched many online sites to find CE coursework to fulfill the requirements.  There are many offerings out there, however, Radcomm is the best in price and quality and I highly recommend it to anyone who needs CE credits.”

“Love everything about your program – prices, downloadable content, content is interesting and testing is appropriate to the field. So glad I found you!”

Luz R.


“I like everything about your program.  It is convenient, relevant to my job, and cost efficient.  I especially like the topics and I will recommend RadComm to my coworkers.”

Wanda P.


These courses are an easy way to get my credits on my own schedule. The courses are always interesting and totally worth the time to read and complete.”

Elena J.


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How Our Online Course Works

Sign Up

All you need is a credit or debit card to easily and securely sign up for our online course with our credit card payment center.

Sign In

Immediately after your purchase, you’ll recieve private login information allowing you to access your course any time you wish.


Most RadComm courses are made up of 2 modules: The study guide and the quiz.  Pass the quiz with a 75% or better.

Get Certified

Once you pass the quiz module you gain instant access to a certificate which you can use to submit your credits to the ARRT.

Who is This Course For

  • This course is a great option for mammographers who need to satisfy the MQSA requirement for 5 credit hours of mammography training for supporting breast cancer patients as you work.  
  • Any mammographer who is looking for high quality mammography credits in a self paced format.
  • MQSA Inspectors
  • Mammography Vendors and Supervisors

About the Instructor

Jeanette Joyce

Jeanette is the founder of RadComm. In her role as a breast imaging consultant and breast health educator, she has traveled the country instructing fellow mammographers in the fine art of mammography. She has been a registered radiologic technologist (ARRT) since 1975 and received certification in mammography in 1992.
She holds a bachelor’s degree from Mundelein College (of Loyola University), Chicago. She is a member of The Society of Breast Imaging and the Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists. Jeanette was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 on an annual screening mammogram at the age of 42 and is proof that early detection saves lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each interactive, self-directed course contains 2 modules.  The 1st module is the course content.  The 2nd module is the exam.  To get started select your desired course above and follow the prompts for immediate access.

Mammography continuing education credits and certificates are awarded after the successful completion of each course and exam. You will be given the option to print or save a copy to your computer for your records.

All mammography courses offered by RadComm have been approved by the Association for Medical Imaging Management (AHRA) for Category A Continuing Education Credits. AHRA is a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM) and has been authorized by the ARRT to approve Category A credit.

Technologists may repeat any course for CE, if they complete it in a different biennium. Technologists using RadComm’s courses are responsible for tracking the courses they have completed on our site. RadComm assumes no responsibility for any issues arising from repeating a course(s) in the same biennium

No, these mammography courses are approved for technologist use and award Category A credits. They have not been submitted to physician governing bodies for approval.

Yes, these courses are approved by the state of Florida and have been assigned a Florida approval number, which appears on your Certificate of Completion. All other states recognize and accept continuing education Category A credits approved by an ARRT RCEEM (Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism).

The ARRT does not have any specific CE requirements for mammography technologists. They do require that all ARRT technologists earn 24 Category A credits per biennium (every two years) to satisfy CE requirements.

As part of the 24 credits required per biennium by the ARRT, MQSA (FDA) requires 15 credits of mammography-specific continuing education every 36 months (3 years) for mammographers. To simplify the confusion, RadComm recommends that you obtain a minimum of 5 Category A credits in mammography each year to fulfill the MQSA requirement. For further clarification of these rules, please see our Rules and Regulations page.

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 This is Margaret.  By purchasing one of our courses you’re helping to provide her with the post secondary education she needs to have a brighter future.  If you’re interested in doing more, click the button below where you’ll learn how you can support other wonderful young women in Africa so they can get the education they need to bring themselves and their communities to new heights..  

RadComm helps mammographers live their best life by providing quality, specialized, post-secondary course work, while helping others.